Since he arrived in Changchun, to coach the Tigers, Tom has posted regularly on a blog, linked here: It's been fascinating to read over the fall and winter. Once again he asked me to come visit. As usual he didn't have to ask twice. I'll be there for two Tigers home games.
My travel itinerary is Seattle to Vancouver BC to Beijing to Changchun. Changchun is located just over the North Korean border in the NE section of China. I left Seattle this morning on a Horizon flight to Vancouver. Right now I'm sitting in the Milestones Grill and Bar at Vancouver International Airport blogging, surfing the net and killing the two hour layover. Great flight out of Seattle on Horizon on one of those twin turbo props. Photo above left. I love flying those planes, you just get a great view of everything on the way. Seattle was socked in clouds, but Alki point in West Seattle was visible with a Bremerton Ferry heading into the city, you can see the ferry in the lower left of the photo. The Vancouver Airport has free wireless internet, like Phoenix and Charlotte. Two of the other airports I pass through frequently. Amazingly, Seattle, with it's huge computer based industries doesn't have the free internet in the airport. Boggles the mind. Then again, maybe not.....
Helen, the bartender in Vancouver crawled under an ice bin and hooked up me extension cord so I could have power for two hours and save my laptop batteries for the flight. She was really bored. Did I mention I got a new digital camera? So this blog will have lots of photos. If I can figure it out, I might even have a few movies. Next entry should be from Beijing.
1 comment:
Sweet...what an awesome way to spend a layover. Thanx for sharing your trip Larry, you're always such an interesting fellow! I'll be following along fer shur :). Hope you and Judy are enjoying your holiday season also. God Bless and safe travels, Tanya
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